How is ReOpening Going for you?
22 May 2020
Governor Desantis lifted the safer-at-home regulations about 2 weeks ago, we are feeling nervous but optimistic. Personally, I'm wearing my mask and washing hands even more than a month ago. There are more people and more exposure points. But overall, I am hopeful that with safe practices, it's good that we are trying to work, reconnect, and move forward.
Our first week reopened has been good. We have seen a lot of familiar eyes - the face masks sometimes give us a run for our money in trying to identify you by name. The traffic has been steady but we have not been overwhelmed, so everyone can practice safe distancing. I find that our customers are pretty well behaved and respectful!!
Some of the projects that our customers have come in for this week include custom barn door orders, lumber for home DIY, lighting, doors, and decor for home bars and entertainment areas. Of course, our statuary and outdoor fountains are popular, and people have been buying up our iron decor and hardware. Two gates went out to be repurposed into headboards. Lots of people seem to be investing in the homes and personal environments with decor and furnishings to make home feel homey.
If a trip to Sarasota Architectural Salvage is part of your plan of re-entry, we want to encourage you to wear a face mask as recommended by the CDC, but we will not turn you away if you dont have one. We ran out of our give away masks. But you can make one with a handkerchief (bandanna) and two rubber bands - apparently after MacGyver retired, he went on retainer at the CDC -
Ok, i'm jumping up on the soapbox for a moment;
We live in a new paradigm. Some of this stuff is what we learned in Kindergarten, some of it is new. But it's easy to help stop the spread.
(1) Wash hand often. Always before eating. Always after the bathroom. Always after contact with others.
(2) If you're not feeling well, stay home and rest. Avoid contact with others. Give yourself a break! I mean, even if you don't have Covid 19, you're not well. You'll heal faster and infect fewer people if you just rest at home.
(3) Protect yourself and others by using face masks and gloves when appropriate, avoiding crowded places, maintaining distances. Ok, that's it i'm off my soapbox, let me wash my hands and get back to business.
I promised you something special for Memorial Day. We are giving our loyal eblast customers 25% off, storewide, both stores, and if you are an ESSENTIAL WORKER HERO - you get another 10% off for an AMAZING 35% off (excluding consignment items). Starts Thursday May 21, ends Monday May 25, 2020.
Thank you for your support!
Jesse White, Owner/Founder